The TDW D2000 Quick Actuating Closures are designed to be opened or closed by one single operator who stand safely on the side of door. These closures can be delivered with CE and PED certification meeting the highest quality standards and delivered within the shortest lead times.
TDW ’s PIG-SIG Scraper Passage Indicators are devices installed on a pipeline to detect the passage of Pigs. Different types are available with threaded or flanged connections and indication with flag or electrical signal.
Cleaning Pigs
By using Cleaning Pigs in your pipeline you provide a simple and cost effective way to optimize the flow in your pipe while reducing corrosion and minimizing the presence of foreign matter in your product. TDW offers a wide range of cleaning pigs for your specific application.
Batching/Displacement Pigs
When you need a reliable barrier between dissimilar products in the pipeline the TDW Batching Pigs can help you avoiding product mixing and contamination. With the TDW RealSeal discs and cups we achieve less than 1% of contamination.
Special Application Pigs
As their name suggests, specialty pigs enable unique cleaning, gauging or maintenance services. At TDW we can help you to help you finding the best pig that suits your need or design custom made pigs.